
With the advent of digital media and the ability to instantly publish to a worldwide audience, the media and entertainment industries are in a constant state of evolution and flux – and so too are the people and entities involved in those sectors. In such a rapidly moving environment, clients need lawyers who not only know and understand the law but who can respond to the demands of this fast paced environment.

Our media practice has for many years been central to our wider commercial practice and we advise a wide range of clients ranging from international corporates, to entrepreneurial companies of all sizes, to high profile individuals from the world of sport, film and music.

We advise our media clients on a broad array of matters ranging from the negotiation of multi-million pound sports, advertising and marketing contracts to matters such as protecting intellectual property rights and reputation protection. We also advise on matters relating to the use and development of new multimedia platforms, regulatory issues, licensing issues and much more.

Whether you’re a broadcaster, an advertiser or a media celebrity, we’ll make sure you’re always fully up to speed on the issues that affect you, your industry and your business. More importantly, we will deploy our expertise and industry knowledge to ensure that your rights and interests are properly protected.

Representative Media Work

Examples of our team’s media work include:

  • Advised a household name in connection with the purchase of airtime and advertising space from ITV.
  • Advised an international sports star in relation to injunctive proceedings to restrain a newspaper from publishing defamatory material.
  • Advised a digital services company on its response to tender relating to the provision of on-screen graphics to a major broadcasting organisation, and subsequently advised on the related services agreement.
  • Advised a technology service company on its tender response to re-fit a television network studio.
  • Advised an international footballer in relation to a contract to write a weekly column for a national newspaper.

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