Corporate Banking & Debt Finance
We frequently act for many of the largest commercial banks in the London market, as well as smaller lenders, financiers and equity investors, in advising on matters ranging from secured and unsecured vanilla loan facilities to more sophisticated bespoke secured funding arrangements. We also regularly act for established and new to market borrowers.
We therefore understand and appreciate both the lending and borrowing sides of debt finance transactions. This understanding, developed from a wealth of transactional experience, enables us to take an efficient and commercial approach on banking and finance transactions.
Our banking & finance lawyers are well versed in dealing with security and priority issues in both domestic and multi-jurisdictional transactions.
We work closely with lawyers from our Corporate team who regularly advise on matters such as loan note instruments, convertible loans, warrant instruments and matters relating to the issue of redeemable shares.
Our Capital Markets lawyers are experienced in all types of public company work involving AIM and the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange. We regularly advise issuers, financial intermediaries and nominated advisers/brokers on a vast majority of matters including pre-IPO fundraisings, secondary offerings, rights issues, reverse takeovers, acquisitions and disposals.
Representative Corporate Banking and Debt Finance Work
Examples of our team’s corporate banking & debt finance work include:
- Advised a client group obtaining a £24.75m facility from Nat West to refinance existing debt and provide working capital.
- Advised a group of borrower companies in connection with a £46m refinance of a revolving working capital facility secured on a large portfolio of properties (both residential and commercial).
- Advised a borrower in connection with the refinance of a term loan facility of £12.5m and a revolver facility of £3m with Barclays Bank Plc.
- Advised a borrower in connection with a term loan facility of £23.6m from Europe Arab Bank Plc used to refinance existing facilities and also an additional loan for £5.25m to refurbish a hotel.
- Advised a well-established restaurateur group in connection with a £6m term loan facility from Nat West to finance costs associated with the development by the group of new restaurant units in the UK. This included agreeing a broad cross collateralised security package over the borrower’s IP supported by debentures from the group’s subsidiaries with complex financial covenants.
Key contacts:

Claire Gibson