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Work 37 – 41 Bedford Row London WC1R 4JH United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 20 7611 2375 Email: o.azzuri@teacherstern.com
Involved in all sectors of property development and investment, Oliver has broad experience in dealing with high-value investment purchases and sales, often by way
of complex tax and funding structures.
He has significant expertise in complex pre-letting transactions, site assembly (both commercial and residential) developments, and establishing limited partnerships
and unit trusts.
Oliver also advises major retailers on store acquisitions and disposal programmes
and administrators on the sale of property assets on insolvency.
Year qualified
Solicitor, 1999
Significant transactions include:
- Purchase of Victoria Place Shopping Centre in London for £92.5 million which included a £257 million portfolio refinance
- £145 million acquisition of a landmark London office building, by way of a Shariah-compliant corporate and funding structure
- Acquired a London shopping centre for £119 million, by way of a sub-sale into a Jersey Unit Trust
- Advised developer in relation to construction of a shopping centre above a London Underground station, dealing with substantial pre-lets and disposal for c.£100 million by way of partnership interest disposal
- Purchase of a London landmark listed building for a residential developer to convert to 100 luxury flats
- Engineered the smooth entry into the UK of a major French retailer
- Advised a major developer on a mixed-use retail and residential scheme in Cardiff
- Advised healthcare company in taking a substantial lease of a hospital