
16 04, 2024

EU AI Act – implications

By |2024-04-16T15:51:05+01:00April 16th, 2024|Commercial|

In March 2024 the EU Parliament adopted the AI Act. Providers and users in the UK will not be directly impacted by it. Having said that, it is likely that AI systems that are used in the UK and the EU will be adapted to meet EU standards to reduce the likelihood of non-compliance. The UK will catch up at [...]

16 04, 2024

AI 0 : 1 DIY

By |2024-04-16T15:47:17+01:00April 16th, 2024|Commercial|

Amazon first introduced its “Just Walk Out” technology in 2016. This allowed Amazon Fresh shoppers to select items, scan a code / their payment card and walk out without going to a cashier.  It turns out that their technology wasn't good enough to do this without recruiting 1,000 staff in India to review camera footage. 70% of transactions required such [...]

17 05, 2023

Teacher Stern is delighted to announce six new senior promotions

By |2023-05-17T15:37:21+01:00May 17th, 2023|Our People|

Congratulations to Ayse Avola, Lee Donoghue, Suzanne Hamer, Michael Kilner, Rebecca Lee and Siobhan Parish on their promotion to Legal Director. As part of Teacher Stern’s career growth and development paths, the Firm has appointed its first six Legal Directors. A recently-launched role which recognises the growing senior experience, responsibility and continued development of Senior Associates within Teacher Stern. Managing [...]

14 03, 2023

Life as a Trainee at Teacher Stern – Part 3

By |2023-03-16T14:36:03+00:00March 14th, 2023|About Us, Our People|

Welcome to the third of our 2023 – Trainee Insight interviews with our current Teacher Stern trainees! In these insights, we will hear first-hand experiences and give you a real flavour of what life is like as a trainee with us. If you are interested in applying for a training contract with Teacher Stern then we recommended you apply for [...]

14 03, 2023

Life as a Trainee at Teacher Stern – Part 2

By |2023-03-16T14:36:48+00:00March 14th, 2023|About Us, Our People|

Welcome to the second of our 2023 – Trainee Insight interviews with our current Teacher Stern trainees! In these insights, we will hear first-hand experiences and give you a real flavour of what life is like as a trainee with us. If you are interested in applying for a training contract with Teacher Stern then we recommended you apply for [...]

8 03, 2023

International Women’s Day – Valeriya Zinchenko

By |2023-03-08T11:54:08+00:00March 8th, 2023|About Us, Our People|

Happy International Women’s Day from everyone at Teacher Stern! Stay tuned for our IWD blog posts which will be shared throughout the month of March featuring some of the many inspiring women at the firm. Up first, meet our first year trainee, Valeriya Zinchenko: 1. Why did you want to pursue a career in law? Honest answer? My dad said [...]

6 03, 2023

Life as a Trainee at Teacher Stern – Part 1

By |2023-03-16T14:37:29+00:00March 6th, 2023|About Us, Our People|

Welcome to the first of our 2023 – Trainee Insight interviews with our current Teacher Stern trainees! In these insights, we will hear first-hand experiences and give you a real flavour of what life is like as a trainee with us. If you are interested in applying for a training contract with Teacher Stern then we recommended you apply for [...]

20 02, 2023

AI – the end of humans?

By |2023-12-07T16:34:56+00:00February 20th, 2023|Commercial|

Everyone is talking about ChatGPT and AI generally. It has come close to passing the multiple-choice part of the US bar exam and has earned passing grades on law school essays that resemble ones written for the exam. Microsoft has invested billions and has added it to its search engine, Bing, in the hope that it will catch up ground lost to Google. As AI becomes [...]

13 02, 2023

Alternative methods of training to be a solicitor

By |2023-12-20T10:21:51+00:00February 13th, 2023|Dispute Resolution|

Barclays have set up a training contract where participants will spend half their time at TLT or Simmons & Simmons (i.e. in private practice) and the other half in house at Barclays. At the end of the training contract, trainees can apply for nq positions at any of the three organisations. This course, along with the SQE, is another way [...]

1 02, 2023

SAM trial and tribulation

By |2023-12-07T16:36:58+00:00February 1st, 2023|Dispute Resolution|

Once hailed as “one of the most innovative developments” in the home loan market and “the bedrock of financial planning for millions”, the Shared Appreciation Mortgage which was offered to consumers by the Bank of Scotland (now part of the Lloyds Banking Group) and Barclays Bank in the 90s, soon revealed itself as a grossly unfair product with bitter consequences [...]

Teacher Stern accreditation
Teacher Stern accreditation
Teacher Stern accreditation
Teacher Stern accreditation
Teacher Stern accreditation
Teacher Stern accreditation